Top 5 Exercises For Stronger Knees: Recommended By Granimals’ In-house Physiotherapists

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Knee health is important for maintaining an active lifestyle and preventing injuries. And if you’re experiencing pain in your knees while performing day-to-day life activities, then let me break this news to you, you need to do something about your knee health. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast, an athlete, or someone who just wants to improve their stability and strength, incorporating knee strengthening exercises in your fitness routine will enhance your strength, overall physical stability, and reduction in pain. In this blog, we'll explore the 5 top knee exercises for stronger knees that are recommended by our physios to thousands of patients at Granimals and have resulted in quick recovery from pain.

Understanding the Significance of Knee Strength

Your knee is one of the most heavily used joints in your body. They are complex and are important as they lead to every movement involving your legs. Since they are one of the most used joints, they are also highly susceptible to injury and pain. Hence, strengthening the knees with knee strengthening exercises is something that everyone must take seriously. 

Benefits of Stronger Knees

Here are some of the benefits associated with stronger knees

  • Augmented Stability: If you have strong muscles around your knees, you will feel more stable while performing heavy-duty activities. Strengthening exercises will help you build stronger muscles around your knees.
  • Reduction in Pain: Strengthening exercises can significantly reduce pain and improve joint functioning. Knee pain relief exercises can be accompanied by knee strengthening exercises. 
  • Prevention of Injuries: They say precaution is better than cure, and we agree. Be precautions and include knee strengthening exercises in your fitness routine. 
  • Improvement in Sports: If you indulge in sports activities, knee strengthening exercises can prove very beneficial as they will improve your overall performance. 
  • Long-term Benefits: Doing these exercises on a daily basis will delay the onset of degenerative conditions like osteoarthritis. 

Top 5 Knee Exercises for Stronger Knees

Here is a list of the top 5 exercises that our physio recommends to someone who’s looking to enhance their knee strength- 

Exercise 1: Backward Walking

Are you experiencing knee pain due to instability or coordination issues? Try backwards walking. This exercise involves walking slowly in reverse direction on a flat surface or treadmill, focusing on steady steps. Backwards walking enhances knee stability and coordination, promoting better joint function.

Exercise 2: Tibialis Raises

If you’re someone who wants to improve their knee support, tibialis raises can prove to be very beneficial for you. The exercise includes standing with your back against a wall and lifting your toes while keeping your heels down. After doing this, you must slowly return your toes to their starting position. This exercise targets the tibialis anterior muscle, which plays a crucial role in knee stability.

Exercise 3: Split Squats

For strengthening the quadriceps and hamstrings, split squats are highly effective. Begin by standing with one foot forward and the other foot back, maintaining hip-width distance. Lower your body by bending both knees until your back knee nearly touches the ground. Return to the starting position and repeat on both sides.

Exercise 4: Forward Step Down

Enhance knee control and stability with forward step-downs. Stand on a step or low platform and slowly step down with one foot while keeping the opposite foot on the step. Lightly tap the ground and return to the starting position. Alternate between legs to work both sides equally.

Exercise 5: Single Leg Kot Calf Raises

This exercise targets your calf strength, and lower body strength and increases the strength and stability in your ankle. To do this exercise, you must stand straight with your feet hip-width apart. Now, lift one of your legs off the ground, you can either keep this lifted leg crossed over the other leg or simply keep it backwards. After this, lift your heels off the ground, as high as possible. You must not bend forward or lose stability while doing it. Hold the position for some time to feel the contraction in your calf muscles. Keep your core strong and your breathing steady. Now gently go back to your normal standing position. Repeat the exercise many times, exchanging legs simultaneously. 

How To Incorporate Knee Exercises In Your Workout Routine

Here are some ways you can incorporate knee strengthening exercises into your routine-

A Well-Balanced Workout Routine

The above-mentioned exercises, which are also used as knee rehab exercises, will help you further strengthen your knees. You must also include other cardiovascular exercises and flexibility training exercises in your routine. Aim to work on your knees 2-3 times a week to allow adequate recovery time in between. 

Warm Ups and Cool Downs

It is important to start your workout with appropriate warm-ups, as this increases blood flow and helps prepare your muscles for the exercises that are to follow. An efficient warm-up will include light cardio and dynamic stretches. Just like warm-ups, cool-downs are as important. Practising static stretches after your workout will help reduce muscle soreness and enhance your body's overall flexibility. 

Progressive Approach

As you progress in your fitness with knee strengthening exercises, gradually increase the intensity of the workout. To do so, you can add weights or increase the repetition of the sets. Progressive overload will ensure that your muscles get stronger day by day. 

Knee Health Beyond Workouts

Two ways you can improve your knee health beyond workout- 

Wear Appropriate Footwear

It is important that you wear footwear that provides appropriate support to your feet and has appropriate cushioning in it. It will further enhance knee health. 

Maintain A Healthy Weight

Maintaining a healthy weight through a balanced diet and regular exercise will further reduce the stress on your knees and improve your stability. 

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1- Can exercise fix knees?

Answer: When you practise knee strengthening exercises, you enhance the muscles around your knees, which can fix many problems related to them. 

Q2- Can knee pain go away with exercise?

Answer: It has been observed in many cases, especially in Knee pain related to arthritis. Exercise or physiotherapy are the best available solutions to ease knee pain. 

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