Top 10 Neck Pain Relief Exercises

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Neck pain is annoying; we get it! Often caused by poor posture, improper stress, and excessive strain, neck pain affects every individual at some point. While neck pain can be very uncomfortable, there are many neck pain relief exercises that you can incorporate into your schedule to keep neck pain at bay. 

In this blog, we are talking about the top 10 neck pain relief exercises that are found to give instant neck pain relief. Continue reading to learn more. 

10 Best Neck Exercises for Neck Pain Relief

1. Chin Tucks

This exercise is great for strengthening deep neck flexors that counteract your forward head posture. Chin tucks help to stretch and strengthen the muscles in the back and front of the neck while reducing neck pain and improving posture.

Steps to do Chin Tucks

  1. Stand up straight and keep your shoulders relaxed
  2. Slowly move your chin towards your chest
  3. Stay in this position for 5 seconds
  4. Repeat the movements 10-15 times

2. Levator Scapulae Stretch

This exercise stretches the levator scapulae muscles and is good for relieving tension in the neck and the upper back. The levator scapulae muscle is present along the neck and the shoulder blade. 

Steps to do Levator Scapulae Stretch

  1. Stand or sit down with your spine straight
  2. Place one of your hands at the back of your head
  3. Pull your head gently towards the armpit
  4. Hold the position for 20-30 seconds

3. Upper Trapezius Stretch

By stretching the upper trapezius muscle, you can reduce the tension and pain in your neck and shoulders. 

Steps to do Upper Trapezius Stretch

  1.  Sit straight with your shoulders relaxed
  2. Tilt your head to one side aligning your ears and shoulders
  3. Hold the position for 20- 30 seconds 
  4. Repeat on both sides

4. Scalene Stretch

This exercise is useful for releasing the tension from your scalene muscles and relieving you from pain and discomfort caused in the neck. The scalene muscles are present on both sides of your neck, and when they get stiff, they cause much pain. 

Steps to do Scalene Stretches

  • Sit straight
  • Keep your right hand under your right thigh
  • Move your head to the left aligning your left ear to your left shoulder
  • Hold the stretch for 20 seconds
  • Repeat on both sides 

5. Neck Rotation

Regular neck rotation can help improve your neck flexibility and eliminate pain and stiffness. 

Steps to do Neck Rotations

  • Sit straight and keep your shoulders relaxed
  • Move your head towards one side as far as they can go
  • Hold the position for 5 seconds
  •  repeat on both sides

6. Neck Side Bends

This exercise is great for Stretching and strengthening the lateral neck muscles ultimately reducing pain and enhancing the overall mobility of your neck. 

Steps to do Neck Side Bends

  • Sit a stand-up with your back straight
  • Tilt your head towards your shoulder making sure your ears are closed to your shoulder
  •  Hold the position for 5 to 10 seconds
  •  Repeat on both sides 

7. Shoulder Blade Squeeze

This is great for strengthening your shoulder breeds to improve your postures and reduce the excessive stress on your neck

 Steps to do Shoulder Blade squeezes

  •  Sit with your back straight
  •  Squeeze your shoulder blades as if you are trying to hold something in between them
  •  Hold the squeeze for 5 seconds

8. Isometric Neck Exercises

This exercise is great for strengthening your neck muscle eventually helping in alleviating neck pain

Steps to do isometric neck exercises

  • Sit or stand up with your back straight
  • Place one hand on the side of your head
  • Push your head towards the hand gently
  • Hold the pose for 5 seconds
  •  Repeat on both sides

9. Neck extensions Stretch

This exercise is great for stretching the front of your neck which helps to counteract forward head posture reducing tension in the neck muscles.

Steps to do Neck Extention Stretch

  • Sit with your back straight
  • Tilt your head back, and you must look at the ceiling or sky
  • Hold the position for 5-10 seconds

10. Cat-Cow Stretch

The cat-cow stretch is a great exercise for stretching the shoulder and neck muscles, despite being a yoga pose for the spine. 

Steps to do Cat-Cow Stretch:

  • Start by getting into the tabletop position
  • Inhale and arch your back muscles
  • Exhale and tuck your chin towards your chest
  • Repeat the exercise 10-15 times


Even though neck is a common issue that affects many people out there, a majority of them choose to ignore it. However, it is crucial to understand that ignoring pain is not a solution. These top 10 exercises can fit your daily and busy schedule and you can do some of these exercises whenever you want. Granimals offers a comprehensive program for neck and shoulder rehabilitation via online physiotherapy. You can book your video consultations with us today to learn more!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1- What are the best exercises to relieve neck pain?

Answer: Some effective exercises for relieving neck pain include neck stretches, chin tucks, shoulder shrugs, and neck rotations. These exercises help improve flexibility, strength, and posture, which can alleviate pain.

Q2. How often should I do neck exercises to see improvement?

Answer: Neck exercises should be performed daily or at least 3-4 times weekly. Consistency is key to improving pain relief and mobility.

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