How Posture Impacts Your Knee and Lower Back Health

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Imagine a day in your life when knee pain and lower back pain do not dictate the course of your activities. Sounds too good, right? As a matter of fact, attaining this pain-free aspiration might be more connected to your posture than you think it is. A good posture is more than standing up straight; it is an integral part of promoting long-term health and is significant in preventing pain. In this blog, we will learn more about the gripping connection between knee and lower back health and your posture, along with practical tips on how to maintain good posture to reduce pain with back rehab exercises and physiotherapy exercises for knee pain. 

Understanding the Basics: Posture 101

Your posture is the way you hold your body while walking, standing, or lying down. A good posture has more nuance than you may think. Preferably. Your body must align in a manner that leads to a straight spine and decreased stress on your joints; this posture will also help significantly reduce knee joint pain. Before jumping to understanding how to maintain a good posture, let’s take a look at three types of postures-

  • Standing Posture: The way your body aligns when you are standing up
  • Sitting Posture: The posture you maintain when you're sitting. 
  • Sleeping Posture: The way your body aligns while you’re lying down.

Here’s a guide on how to maintain good posture while doing different activities- 

  • Standing: The best way to keep your body aligned while standing is by visualising a straight line running across your earlobe, shoulder, torso, hip, knees, and ankle. If the line is not straight your posture is not good. 
  • Sitting: To maintain a good posture while sitting all you need to do is keep your back straight against the backrest. Avoid slouching and hunching forwards. Keep your knees at a 90 degree angle and feet flat on the floor. 
  • Sleeping: Try sleeping on your back or sideways with a pillow that supports your spine alignment. Avoid sleeping on your stomach to reduce the risk of neck and back strains. 

Why Poor Posture Leads to Pain?

Wondering how exactly poor posture can contribute to pain? Take a look at the following- 

Misaligned Spine: When your spine isn’t aligned properly improper stress is put on your muscles and ligaments around your spine which further leads to pain. 

Excessive Strain on Joints: Poor posture, specifically slouching can throw your balance off the centre of gravity due to which, your knees and back go through excess strain leading to pain. 

Tightened Muscles: As you age, some of your muscles become weak and loose, but due to poor posture, some of them can tighten over time. This creates an imbalance that leads to pain. 

Disc Degeneration: Poor posture puts excess stress on your discs too and it can lead to premature degeneration of the disc leading to pain and other complications. 

Nerve Compression: Poor posture can contribute to nerve compression because the spinal disc gets compressed. This can lead to tingling, pain and other chronic conditions as well.

Wear and Tear: Improper posture can also cause the knee joint to be worn, which can lead to pain and accelerate the onset of conditions like osteoarthritis. 

Factors that Contribute to Improper Posture

Factors that contribute to poor posture range from lifestyle choices to injuries; here’s an in-depth analysis- 

  • Weak Core Muscles: A weak core can lead to improper stress and lack of support on your back, which leads to poor posture. 
  • Sedentary Lifestyle: Prolonged sitting without proper ergonomics can lead to poor posture and pain. 
  • Improper Workstation: Improper ergonomics in your workstation can lead to bad posture habits. 
  • Footwear: Improper footwear that doesn’t offer enough support can lead to misalignment and poor posture. 
  • Injury: Pain that arises with an injury can make a person adapt to a specific posture that supports relief from pain. If this posture is continued for a long time, it can cause issues in the future.

Impacts of Certain Poor Postures

While poor posture can range from slouching, forward head, etc., here are some of the impacts these postures can imply on your knee and lower back mobility and health- 

  • Slouching: When your shoulders are rounded and your back is hunched, there is a chance you can strain your spine muscles and disc. This leads to lower back mobility issues, pain and neck pain. 
  • Swayback: An exaggerated curve in the back, while the hips protrude, can lead to excessive stress on the lower back ligaments and muscles, leading to stiffness and pain. 
  • Uneven Weight Distribution: Leaning on one hip causes extra stress on your legs and knees, leading to pain and discomfort.

The Ripple Effect of Poor Posture

The negative consequences of poor posture can lead to issues beyond just knee or lower back pain. Here’s a brief description of how poor posture impacts your life:

  • Reduced Lung Capacity: Excessive slouching can compress your lungs, leading to difficulty in breathing
  • Headaches: when the spine is misaligned, the nerves in the neck often get irritated, contributing to persistent headaches. 
  • Reduced Energy Level: Poor posture can make one feel sluggish and tired. 
  • Digestive Issues: Bloating and digestive issues are some of the most common consequences of poor posture as they put pressure on the digestive organs. 

Strategies to Improve Body Posture

Here’s the good news: you can improve your posture by following some tips and tricks, some of which are mentioned below- 

  • Posture Reminders: Putting reminders on your smart device can help you remember to straighten up your back and maintain good posture. 
  • Ergonomics: Investing in an ergonomic chair is the best gift you can give to your spine. These chairs are designed to support your spine while you sit and allow you to adjust the height. 
  • Strengthening Exercises: Practising stretching exercises like planks, bird dogs, bridges, etc, contribute to strengthening your core and improving your posture over time.
  • Mind-body Techniques: Good posture can also be induced by practising techniques like yoga and pilates, which strengthen your core and improve your awareness of your body. 
  • Body Awareness: Being mindful about your body and its alignment will help to develop a sense of where you’re lagging and will gradually help improve posture as well.
  • Stretching: A good stretch will help you loosen tight muscles and maintain alignment effectively. 

To Conclude

The most effective way you can maintain your posture is by being aware of the alignment of your body, and you can do that by just making sure of the following:

  • your ears align with your shoulder 
  • your shoulder aligns with your hips 
  • your hips align with your knees
  • your knees align with your foot. 

Remember, improving your posture is a gradual process, and it may take time to achieve the optimal posture. Be mindful and practice stretching exercises along with core strengthening exercises for better results. Interested in learning more? Schedule a call with Granimals to explore the benefits of online physiotherapy consultations and uncover the keys to a pain-free and active lifestyle!

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1- How does posture affect knees?

A1- Poor posture distributes your body weight in an uneven manner, leading to more stress on your knees. Excessive stress causes knee pain along with wear and tear issues. 

Q2-  How does posture affect your back?

A2- Misalignment of the spine or unsupported posture can lead to improper stress distribution in your back, weakening the tissues in your back. 

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