Defying Odds: How I Run Stronger Than Ever After A Spinal Arthritis Diagnosis in My 60s

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“A fall shattered my dreams of retirement”

- Rajeev Kakar

At Granimals, we are dedicated to making the world pain free and help anyone we think can benefit from our services. In this blog, we will read about the story of Mr. Rajeev Kakar, who despite being in his 60s defied all odds and is now able to run faster than ever.

A Fall That Shattered His Dreams To Retire

For over three decades, Rajeev thrived in the hotel industry, working long hours day in and day out. Though it was demanding, he looked forward to retiring one day to pursue his true passions and wishes- travelling the world with his wife, visiting his children, and to play with his grandchildren. However, life had different plans for him. A fall during his daily routine resulted in serious back injury that changed the courses of his life. He felt scared and lost. Moreover, when he went to seek help from a doctor, he was diagnosed with early onset spinal arthritis along with several injuries on his spine. In a moment, he was asked to stop all his active pursuits or face the probability of surgery. Well, that is not how he envisioned his retirement to look like. As he was planning to fulfil his long held dreams, he was forced to face the harsh realities of the present scenario- ‘a life confined by pain’. 

Finding Hope In Granimals

His son introduced him to something unexpected: Granimals. He was initially very sceptical and thought how can an online rehabilitation program help him, when his doctors and the physical therapists he consulted already told him to stop all of his active pursuits? Yet, as he started following Granimals on Instagram, he was drawn to their unique approach. Granimals’ honesty, creativity, and their fresh perspective on rehabilitation stood out to him and gave him hope. He still had his doubts, but decided to go ahead with it and give it a try at least.

The Beginning Of a Transformative Journey

In just six weeks, he was able to see significant reduction in the pain he was going through. This remarkable progress was just the beginning of a transformative journey. He now had full confidence on Granimals and knew that they will do a wondrous job. At Granimals, they focused on building his overall body strength and gradually reintroduced him to activities he believed he will never be able to go back to. 

Feeling Closer to His Retirement Dream

The main highlight of Rajeev’s inspiring journey is when he was able to run again. He felt stronger and more vibrant than he did in his forties. We regained his freedom and the ability to pursue his life long dreams.  The experience taught him that no matter how daunting the obstacle may seem, there is always hope and way to cross those setbacks.

Never Give Up On Your Dreams

Looking back on his journey to recovery, he feels a sense of accomplishment and gratefulness for the progress he made and the strength he regained. Despite the challenges he faced after his injury, he was fixated on rebuilding his life and returning to the activities he loves. He also hopes that his story inspires anyone who is going through the same issues as him.

Key Takeaways From Rajeev’s Journey

Life throws unexpected challenges our way, but most of the time, these challenges lead to new opportunities and personal growth. His journey with Granimals not only helped him heal physically but also reignited his determination and hope. We strongly urge that anyone who is facing similar obstacles to stay resilient, seek out new solutions and must never give up on their dreams. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1- What is the most effective treatment for osteoarthritis?

A1- Exercising is widely considered the most effective treatment for osteoarthritis. People suffering from this issue must remain physically active. 

Q2- What is the end stage of osteoarthritis?

A2- The end stage of osteoarthritis occurs when there’s a progressive degradation of the cartilages present between the bones, eventually the bones come in contact with each other and lead to extreme pain. 

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