Can Physio Really Be Digitised? 9000+ People Say It Can, See How

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We all have been there when a sudden movement leads to us saying- ‘Heck! Now I have to schedule another physio appointment.’ Maybe after a week of adventure, or when you’re working on your laptop, you suddenly feel a sharp pain in your back and dread that you may have to go again and see a physio. But what if I tell you there is a way to get expert guidance and a personalised recovery plan without the hassle of stepping out of the house for another physio appointment? Believe it or not, 9000+ customers have already experienced the benefits of digital physiotherapy with impressive results at Granimals. 

In our fast-paced world, technology has impacted almost every aspect of our lives. We have seen tremendous change in everything from shopping to communication, education to entertainment. Why leave physiotherapy behind in this digital revolution? Digitising the physiotherapy landscape has undoubtedly made our lives easier; in this blog, we will read about that and a few success stories that will change your outlook on digital therapy. 

The Evolution of Physiotherapy

Traditionally, physiotherapy has been a hands-on, face-to-face practice where patients generally visit the clinic for their sessions. This model highlighted many issues, such as geographical limitations, physical limitations, and conflicting schedules. With the introduction of digital physiotherapy, the aforementioned challenges are now omitted as it offers care remotely in a more personalised way, breaking down the barriers that once limited access to quality physiotherapy. 

The Digital Physiotherapy Experience

Imagine that you do not have to wait in a waiting room; you can schedule a videoconferencing appointment with a top physiotherapist from the comfort of your couch. Granimals offers its clients this ability, a digital platform that makes personalised rehab plans accessible anytime and anywhere. When we talk about digital physiotherapy, convenience becomes king. All you have to do is sit on your couch and not suffer from any scheduling conflicts, and you recover on your terms. 

Digital physiotherapy empowers people to be in charge of their recovery. By offering engaging educational resources, interactive exercises, and tools to track progress, the process keeps you informed and involved in the journey from the beginning to the end. It is safe to say that the experience of digital physiotherapy is like having a pocket-sized physiotherapist accompanying you along the way to full recovery. Gone are the days when one had to adjust to a one-size-fits-all rehab routine. For example, at Granimals, each rehab routine is tailored to a person's needs to create a personalised routine that suits their specific needs and goals. 

But wait, is it really effective?  

Of course! Research indicates that digital physiotherapy can be equally as effective as conventional approaches for a range of conditions. Moreover, its convenience often results in improved patient compliance with rehabilitation plans, ultimately leading to accelerated recovery.

Granimals Sucess Stories: Real People, Real Impact

Now that we have learned how digital rehabilitation is changing the game by making quality physiotherapy accessible to people, let’s take a closer look at some of the success stories we experienced at Granimals:

Aaryan Vadhan

In 2021, 20-year-old Aaryan tore his right ACL while playing football. After going through improper rehab, just after one year, he injured himself again. In 2023, he also tore his medial meniscus along with an ACL full-thickness tear and had to go through surgery to get his ACL reconstructed. He came to Granimals post-op in the month of September. We noticed he couldn’t perform simple movements like jumping, running, or bending his knee. He was in a lot of pain. Our physios curated a rehab plan for him that included many exercises that provide stability to his knee, improve knee flexibility, and reduce pain significantly. After six months of rehab, he is now not only back to the sports he loves to play but is also experiencing an improvement in the overall movement of his body. The entire rehab was tracked and delivered online, and progress was monitored online.  

Jas Raj Soni 

40 years old Jas Raj Soni lives in Jodhpur, and in 2015, he suffered from ACL, MCL, and medial meniscus tear along with a tibial fracture in his left knee. He came to Granimals in February 2024, to address issues related to his injuries and pain. He told us that he was put under 18 months of rest after receiving treatments for his injuries conservatively. He complained of pain in his left knee, which was aggravated by excessive walking and lower back pain, which was aggravated due to sitting for longer hours. We began addressing his shoulder and left knee, concentrating on enhancing strength and reducing pain. After four months of rehabilitation, he can now perform plyometric exercises and has experienced a significant decrease in pain, along with a noticeable improvement in muscle strength. 

Check out these blogs on more success stories to understand the effectiveness of the physiotherapy better:

The Future of Digital Physiotherapy

The introduction of digital physiotherapy is not just a trend. It is a shift that makes quality physiotherapy and care accessible to a bigger audience. Take Granimals for example. We have already reached and provided quality physiotherapy and care to 9000+ customers, and this number is increasing as we go ahead. These 9000+ success stories have made it clear that digital physiotherapy is here to stay. As technology advances, we may see more sophisticated tech to monitor progress and provide better rehab outcomes. 

Physiotherapy, once confined to the walls of a clinic, has now entered a digital age. The experiences of thousands of people show that digital physio is not only feasible but also highly effective. By embracing this change, we ensure that everyone has the opportunity to recover, rehabilitate, and thrive, no matter where they are. So, can physio really be digitised? The answer is a resounding yes, and the success stories speak for themselves.

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