Are Knee Problems Common? Here’s Everything You Need to Know

Common Knee Problems
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Let’s talk about our knees. Yes, our trusty joints that help us walk, run, jump, and are basically involved in most of the activities we do. Today, we are discussing whether knee problems are common. In a word, yes, and in more words, definitely, positively, without a doubt, yes! Knee problems are more common than you’d think they are. 

In this blog, we are talking about some of the most common knee problems and how to get rid of them. Continue reading to learn more.

Unexpected Creaks: A Universal Experience

I am 26, and I consider myself moderately active. I went to Chandni Chowk to shop for my brother’s wedding a few days back. Everything was fine, but as I was walking down the stairs, suddenly…creak! In a moment, I was living my best life, and all of a sudden, my knees decided to remind me I am not as invincible as I think I am. 

I am sure many of you have had similar experiences. This is your knees’ way of saying, “Hello, remember me? I am here, and I have opinions, too!” 

Now, if you ask what the reason behind this Creak is, your knees are telling you that there is something wrong. There are many reasons a sharp pain may occur in your knees. One of the many reasons could be that the cartilage in your knees may be wearing down. Knee creaking may occur due to the natural ageing process and the stress we put on them. Our knees are like that friend who always has a bit of drama going on in their life. They can’t help it; it’s their thing. 

The ‘Old Man’ Groan

Do you know that groan we make when we stand up after sitting for a long time? That sound we make when we get up and suddenly you feel like you’ve aged so much in the last 10 minutes? That is just our knees telling us they are there. The pain you feel as you get up is caused by stiffness in the joints, and the reasons behind it could range from ageing, an underlying condition, or a decrease in the lubrication in the knees. As we age, the cushioning around our knees may degenerate, making movements feel more uncomfortable and painful.

Whether you’re 25 or 75, your knees will make sure they let everyone around you know they’re unhappy through this groan. 

Weather Forecasting Knees

Some of us have a weather app on our phones, while some of us have knees that can predict the weather. It’s true; many people experience a sharp pain in their knees as the weather changes. The reason behind this is the change in the atmospheric pressure that causes the muscles in the knees to contract and expand, leading to sharp pain and discomfort. And if a person has suffered from a knee injury in the past, they will most likely go through this. Joints are more susceptible to reacting to pressure changes, especially when inflammation is present. If you are someone who can tell if it's going to rain or not with the help of a sudden twinge, then congratulations; you have unlocked the power of knee-based weather forecasting. 

That ‘No, you can’t do that anymore’ Moment

We all remember the time when we were able to run upstairs, jump off a wall, and land on our knees without any issues. I am sure your knees remember that, too, because now they are not interested anymore. As we age or if we have suffered from an injury before, the tendons and ligaments present in our knees can loosen over time, losing their strength and elasticity. 

Consider this: you decided to go for a jog. I bet your knees will be the first ones to remind you that you are not 16 anymore, even if the rest of your body will be ready for what’s coming ahead. The ability to absorb shock and the cartilage of your knees decreases over time. This makes doing high-impact activities a challenge. 

Phantom Pain Paradox

This one is a fun one. Imagine you’re going on a walk in a beautiful park; the weather is beautiful, but all of a sudden, your knees start aching for no apparent reason. You were not running, jumping, or even standing. What could be the reason behind this pain? You were simply walking and enjoying the nature around you, and your knees decided to put a halt to your enjoyment. Wondering why? This phantom pain you experience can be because of an underlying condition, lingering inflammation, nerve sensitivity, or because of a past injury that wasn’t healed all through. What is the reason behind this sudden trigger? Sometimes, knee pain can occur without a clear cause, maybe due to some biomechanical issues or due to stress from repetitive movements. 

This is your knee's way of saying, “Can’t stop, Won’t stop, can spoil your plans any day.”

So, Are Knee Problems Common?

It’s obvious now that knee problems are more common than we may think. One of the biggest reasons behind this is that our knees are one of the most used and stressed joints of our body, which makes them vulnerable to a wide range of issues, from wear and tear to old injuries or an underlying condition. But don't worry; it’s like a passage of time and is part of life’s adventure that’s much grander than you’d think. 

What Can You Do About It?

Here is what you can do to solve your knees’ problems:

  • Firstly, listen to your knees. If your knees are creaking, groaning or forecasting weather, there must be reason behind this, and they’re trying to tell you something. 
  • Pay attention to your knees when they ache or when you experience discomfort. This can help you manage any underlying issues that may worsen with time. 
  • Take breaks, and visit a doctor if the pain persists. 
  • Try incorporating low-impact activities like swimming or bicycling into your routine. 
  • Don’t forget to stretch your knees by doing stretching exercises. Trust me, your knees will be grateful for it. 

Accept the Knee Shenanigans

Yes, knee problems might be common, but that doesn’t mean it is the end of the world. You can understand the reason behind the issues, which will help you manage them effectively. At Granimals, we come across individuals who suffer from knee issues and wish to go back to their best selves. You can achieve your best self again if you work right and practice effective strategies to manage knee problems. So, next time when your knees give you a hard time, just smile and say, “I hear you, old friend; let’s take it easy and do something about getting better.”

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. What are the most common knee problems?

Answer: Some of the most common knee problems are:

  • Ligament strains
  • Cartilage tears
  • Tendon and ligament degeneration
  • Stiffness
  • Arthritis

Q2. What deficiency causes knee pain?

Answer: Vitamin D deficiency is one of the many reasons behind knee pain. If you have low vitamin D levels, you can incorporate food options like yoghurt, low-fat milk, cheese, etc., to fulfil the deficit. 

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