A Conversation With a Man Who Built a Community of 600K People on Instagram with a Single Motive: Overcome Pain

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Forget following influencers who make you feel bad about your life. This guy's Instagram account is all about overcoming pain, and let's be honest: Haven't we all Googled "sharp knee pain, send help" at 3 a.m. at least once? I have Googled that at least 3-4 times. Today we are looking at one of the most unique Instagram accounts you’ll ever see. We are talking about @badkneesguru, an Instagram account dedicated to making people free of pain and injury rehabilitation. His Instagram bio says- ‘I am just an ordinary person with bad knees’, which sets the tone of his profile- like another person who deals with poor knee health but has decided to help others who suffer. Continue reading to know more about him and his ideology.

The Man Behind the Movement

Sidharth Uniyal, the COO of Granimals, is the man behind this iconic Instagram account. In case you have been living under a rock, Granimals is an organisation that provides personalised digital injury rehabilitation therapy with a mindset-led approach. Badkneesguru is a channel unlike any other on Instagram. It is a page that not only entertains but also educates the audience about how they can manage their physical health. In a short span of 9 months, Sidhart managed to take his page @badkneesguru from 0 to 600K. Now that is something remarkable, isn’t it? Let’s take a look at how he achieved this noteworthy feat:

Why and when did you decide to start @badkneesguru?

Sidharth: When we launched Granimals, we identified a significant gap in the market concerning the enhancement of injury rehabilitation. The founders, Aameen, Rochan, and I, seized this opportunity, and our venture initially took off, yielding considerable profits. However, over time, our business's growth plateaued, leaving us in search of a new strategy to rejuvenate our enterprise. It was during this critical period that my page was created, which ultimately played a pivotal role in revitalising our business.

You decided to make a page just like that, I mean, becoming a content creator isn’t that easy. What made you come to it?

Sidharth: I have been a content creator all my life. It is something that has always interested me. When I was a professional football player, I made many videos of football tricks and posted them on YouTube, but I only did that for a short time. I now regret stopping, as otherwise, I could have become a YouTuber. I want to give content creation another try. People often say that I am good at three things: first, I am a good executor; second, I can complete tasks quickly; and third, I always strive to be more creative. 

Today, 7 out of 15 individuals aspire to be content creators. A content creator is someone who demonstrates creativity, thinks innovatively, and, above all, brings to life concepts that are non-existent or in their infancy. 

How did you think about the name ‘badkneesguru’?

Sidharth: In the current context, it seems that negative words such as "bad" have received a lot of attention. At one point, I had issues with my knees; hence the term "badknees" came about. As for "Guru," I chose this to signify my desire to transition to a phase where I can share the knowledge I've gained from my personal experiences.

In a short period of 90 days, your page went from 0 followers to 600K followers; what is the secret behind this surge?

Sidharth: My page has experienced rapid growth for several reasons, one of the main factors being my history of ACL tears. This has given me insight into the mindset of someone dealing with an injury. Understanding my audience and their thoughts from the outset has allowed me to create content that truly resonates with them. Instead of showcasing what I want, I focus on delivering what people genuinely want to see.

This page has pushed me to think creatively; I aimed to produce something that would help me stand out. I prioritise my audience and always stay true to myself. Authenticity is key, even when creating content. Audiences crave originality, so faking it won't cut it. Online users are perceptive and can't be easily deceived. Every day, I receive numerous direct messages from people who value and admire my honesty and authenticity.

I want you to remember the following: A large part of Granimals' audience comes from my account, and this is because my team and I put in a lot of effort to create engaging content. For instance, my goal for June is to increase the following to 1M by the 30th, and I still believe it's achievable. Anyone who says I've cracked Instagram's algorithm is either lying or trying to deceive themselves or others. Everything I did for my own channel, I did for Granimals, and this organically grew the page's following from 20K to 362K.

Do you receive DMs where people appreciate you for the content you make?

Sidharth: I often receive direct messages like this on a daily basis. The whole purpose of my page is to show people that if someone like me, who also struggles with bad knees, can participate in so many activities, then they can too. When someone tells me that my video helped them heal, I feel a real sense of accomplishment, knowing that I've done my job well. There's one follower, Rajyavardhan from Rajasthan, who stands out in my memory. He couldn't afford a training plan, but just by watching my content and doing the exercises I recommend, he has improved his knee condition. This was a very rewarding moment for the whole team and gave us the validation we needed.

I remember a time when someone commented on one of my reels about suffering from stiffness for a long time. I responded by suggesting a few exercises that could help provide relief. To my surprise, a few days later, he scheduled a paid call with me just to express his gratitude. It was a truly heartwarming experience, I must say.

How to manage being a content creator and the COO of Granimals simultaneously?

Sidharth: Naturally, I'm not just a content creator; I understand that the success of my business heavily relies on @badkneesguru. Most of our leads come from Instagram. I ensure that every story I post on my page gets at least 100K views. It's no easy feat, as even experienced content creators struggle to achieve this level of engagement. At Granimals, we have a dedicated team of customer service executives, and I ensure that their schedules stay packed through my Instagram and Granimals' Instagram. 

Is it easy to stay consistent and do better each time?

Sidharth: No, it's definitely not easy. You have to consistently put in the work and ensure that your content grows and improves over time. One of the first videos that went viral on my Instagram was when I did a triple-roll; people were really impressed by that. To make the content funny and engaging, I started creating skits that were both humorous and educational at the same time. Then came the transition videos, and after that, I took on the "75 days of living with BadKnees" challenge. In the end, I selected 21 individuals to join me on the Swargarohini Sathopanth taal trek.

As my page expanded, I upgraded the video quality by investing in a top-notch camera and other filming gear. I also brought on board a skilled production team that fully grasps my vision.

Can you describe some key moments of being ‘badkneesguru’?

Sidhart: There are many. I firmly believe in the power of manifestation. When I truly desire something, I am convinced that the universe will guide me towards achieving it. I am willing to put in the hard work and effort required to make my dreams a reality.

One significant moment was when my wife and I had a major argument. We were married but due to work commitments, we were living apart. It was around 2 or 3 in the morning, and I was feeling extremely frustrated. I decided to do something that would make a big impact, so I drafted a lengthy email that I planned to send to Ranveer Allahabadia, thinking I could be the first ordinary person to feature on the most popular podcasts in the country. After careful consideration, I chose not to send it and went to bed. The next day, something unbelievable happened-  Ranveer actually started following me.

I don't usually get affected by many people, but arguments with my wife really get to me. One key moment was when she came to visit me, and we found it really hard to say goodbye when she left, leading to a massive fight. Around the same time, our product, Granimals, was selected for the Pre-TV round of Shark Tank India Season 3. Typically, I'm the one who takes the lead in group discussions. On that particular day, I was exhausted from lack of sleep and mental fatigue, but I still managed to ace the round. Everyone in the room was thrilled to see us and showed a lot of interest. Unfortunately, we didn't get selected for some reason, but people on the set congratulated us, mentioning that they had never seen anyone stay for that long in that room. Not long after that, Anupam Mittal, who is also a judge on Shark Tank, started following my page. Although many famous personalities follow my Instagram page, Anupam Mittal's follow really boosted my confidence.

Has this page brought any positive changes in your life?

Sidharth: Certainly, this journey has taught me valuable lessons, making me more patient, creative, and disciplined. My life has been mostly smooth sailing, except for the setback of leaving football due to injuries. Despite this, I excelled in everything I pursued. However, creating content for this platform has humbled me and made me face more challenges, helping me temper my ego. I've learned that despite making plans, things may not always go as expected. Thus, this experience has undeniably contributed to shaping me into a more patient individual.

Empathy has been a personal struggle for me, but thanks to badkneesguru, I've developed a deeper understanding of others' emotional and physical struggles, becoming a more empathetic person.

To summarise it all

Sidharth Uniyal, the content powerhouse at Granimals, has exemplified the incredible journey of a content creator, demonstrating that with determination, innovation, and positivity, one can reach significant milestones. He genuinely relates to his audience, striving to establish a personal connection with them. This selfless approach has endeared people to his content, gathering widespread appreciation. Understanding the challenges of content creation, Sidharth prioritised discipline to ensure that the flame of creativity always burns bright within him. So what are you waiting for? Head to badkneesguru’s Instagram channel right now to learn and share happy laughs.

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