5 Travel Hacks For Happy Knees and Backs: Conquer Comfort While Travelling

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Every travel enthusiast understands how enticing the world can be. But what to do when your knees and back might be grumbling with different tunes? Fret not, dear wanderlust warriors! Granimals has got your back. Consider this blog as a guide to comfortably travel and have an epic adventure without worrying about your knees and back health. Whether you’re going on a trek, or on a stroll on a cobblestone street, these 5 travel hacks are sure to help you conquer knee muscle pain and back pain.

Hack 1: Pack Smart, Travel Light 

Are you a heavy packer? If yes, then consider packing less from now on. Heavy luggages can prove to be a disaster for your back health. To reduce the weight further, consider ditching your heavy suitcase and opting a lighter and wheeled suitcase. Pack your clothes with one thing in mind, you can wash your clothes on your trip, so make sure you pack versatile clothing pieces and not sacrifice your style quotient. 

Hack 2: Prep Before You Travel

If you are someone who suffers from chronic pain, then make sure you visit your doctor beforehand and tell them about your travel plans. They will help you understand the dos and don’ts and prescribe medicines you may need incase of emergency. You can also pack equipment like braces, heating pads, lumbar support pillows, etc. along with your regular luggage.

Hack 3: Become a Lifting Master

Navigating airports, or railway stations with so much crowd can seem perilous to you and your back. You must become a pro at lifting and here’s how you can do that- When you’re picking up the luggage from the ground, you must bend your knees and not your waist while lifting it. Squat down and involve your core muscles when you do it. If you’re not able to lift your bag, then do not hesitate to ask for help from somebody. 

Hack 4: Take a Break, Stretch all You Can

Sitting for longer periods of time can lead to stiffening your back and knees. Take breaks in between and walk for a few minutes when you’re travelling. I love aisle seats, for one simple reason and that is more leg room. Try and opt for aisle seats when you’re travelling for longer hours as then you will have enough space to stretch out your legs and and get up whenever you feel like. 

Hack 5: Become Friends with Fitness

Don't use your knee pain or back pain as an excuse to get out of doing regular exercises. In fact, people who suffer from knee and back pain issues, must practise gentle exercises to enhance blood circulation and reduce stiffness. Indulge in other light exercises like swimming, cycling, etc. to gain healthier knees and back. 

Few Additional Tips To Stay Safer Travel For Knee and Back Pain Patients

While you navigate this maze of pain management while you travel, you need to keep certain things in your mind. Some of those additional tips are mentioned below-

  • Maintain Consistency: It is no secret that you have to stay active and exercise regularly to keep pain at bay. Participating in low impact exercises when you travel is good to maintain consistency. For example, you can use the pool you may have in your hotel and go for a swim or when you have to move from one place to the other, you can rent bicycles for the same. 
  • Maintain Proper Posture: Just because you’re travelling or on a vacation, that is no excuse to slouch and forget all about the importance of maintaining a good posture. Slouching is one of the most prominent knee muscle pain and back pain causes.  Keep your shoulders back and spine straight whenever you’re sitting, walking or standing. 
  • Maintain Hydration Levels: Drink plenty of water when you’re travelling, specially if you’re travelling in summers. Dehydration leads to exacerbation of back pain and is also one of the knee pain reasons. 
  • Maintain Calm: Practising mindfulness and breathing exercises like meditation and yoga, can help you stay positive and keep calm. A calm state of mind will reduce stress and that leads to lesser pain.

Key Takeaways

We understand that travelling with knee pain and back pain may take some extra preparation but, by following these tips you can annihilate knee muscle pain, and back pain reasons and have an unforgettable travel experience, minus the pain. Remember happy knees, and happy back makes for a happy traveller. So back your bag, get ready to explore the world with comfort. For more such content, follow Granimals, and subscribe to our newsletter. Click on this link to schedule a consultation with us today!

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1- What is the number one mistake that makes knee pain worse? 

Answer- One of the biggest mistakes individuals make that makes the pain worse is not exercising. It is crucial to remember that no exercising can make the pain worse. 

Q2- Should you travel with back pain?

Answer- Yes, you can travel if you suffer from back pain but only if you take proper measures. One of the most important things to consider when you’re travelling is that you must take frequent stretch breaks to make sure you don't suffer from stiffness. 

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